(all the content available by clicking on this link)
My friends, I do need your support.
Since 2007, I
have been undertaking several field operations aiming at protecting our
environmental heritage and, since the end of the 2006 war, I have supported
projects led by relief agencies and operations of bomb disposal, drinkable water
delivery, power generators and wires set up, etc. I managed all this strictly
relying on my personal resources – only for bomb disposal and power generators
set up was I supported by Finul in Lebanon.
I am currently preparing projects that will be led by Mawassem Khair (Bluegreen in
Other projects are dedicated to: air quality in
I attended and took part in several seminars and forums about ecology and how to protect the environment, and I must say these projects require a large amount of time.
As for wildfires, they represent tragic issues that need to be addressed. As I just obtained 3 firetrucks, I call on the Lebanese community active on Facebook and other social networks to raise funds as fast as possible to have these firetrucks shipped to
Help us in our
bomb disposal and tree planting actions. Help us fight against wildfires caused
by unconscious persons.
For every 10-dollars gift, I will plant a pine.
For every 20-dollars gift, I will plant an olive tree and will send you its oil after 2 years. If you are located in
For every -25 dollars gift, I will plant a cedar tree. You will receive its picture and, if you wish, the GPS code with which you will be able to follow its growth on Google Earth.
I need 10,000 Euros to ship the 3 firetrucks.
Click on “Donation” on this page and bring us your support.
For those who wish to make a donation by check or bank transfer, please contact Ibrahim El Ali directly (+33 (0) 6 59 76 33 54 - For our supporters located in Lenanon, bank transfer on a Lebanese bank account is possible; in this case, please contact me.
To those of you
who are interested but who can’t afford a donation now, I kindly ask them to
spread and share this message through their network. This is valuable help too.
Members of Mawassem Khair (Bluegreen Liban)
Ibrahim El Ali, Chairman, Expert in ecology and sustainable development.
Hala Waked, General Secretary, Attorney in
Maroun Aziz, Vice-Chairman, Civil defence Captain.
Aziz Sbeir, Engineer specialized in chemicals contamination.
Zeina Daher, PhD in Biochemistry, Winner of the l’Oréal-Unesco Prize for Young Female Scientists.
Accram Al Hadi, Expert in waste disposal.
Chady Hage Ali, under doctoral degree in international relations.
Christine Ohanian, Marine Biodiversity Manager, under doctoral degree at CNRS.
Ninou Chelala, Expert in eco-village and organic agriculture.
Samuel Moussali, Expert in eco-village and organic agriculture.
And many others…
Fighting against wildfires
Over 20% of grassland and forest lanscape were lost in flammes over the last three summers
Over 4,000 cluster bombs and over 100 bombs removed, some of which weighed up to 600 kilos (around 1300 pounds)
Over 20,000 trees replanted
across Lebanon; our ambition is to replant 1 million additional trees with
Clearing forests
Several awareness campains and
cleaning operations for forests, beaches and rivers
Lebanon is not a trash can!
Waste disposal and recycling
Several support actions in favor of waste disposal projects. Municipalities dreadfully need support as the sale of recycled items barely covers 20% of operating costs.
BLUEGREEN France is a
non-governmental organization whose main mission is to take action for the
protection of the environment as well as to promote biodiversity over the
Southern seacoasts of the Mediterranean Sea , the
Sub-Saharan Africa’s shores, and in a general manner in all our planet’s regions
struck by environmental crisis and disasters that require urgent, realistic and
sustainable solutions.
BLUEGREEN France aims at strengthening its actions in the fields of reforestation, wastewater and fumes treatment, easier access to drinkable water, waste management, food self-sufficiency (through the promotion of organic agriculture and wild plants) and the protection of endangered species. To achieve these goals, the organization plans to bring assistance to municipal departments, which are usually in search of resources and expertise, in order to deploy these projects.
Our projects in 2012
« 1001 Jardins de l’espoir » (“1001
« 1001 fontaines de l’espoir » (“1001 Hope Fountains”) - Developement of drinkable water fountain.
Thank you for your support
International conferences
Bluegreen France et Mawassem Khair (Bluegreen in Lebanon) regularly take part in international conferences fo inform and raise awareness about, and participate to the Mediterranean Union Project. We have been very active in denouncing the cedar island project in Lebanon (see on our blog).

Raising awareness among politicians
In the press and TV
Members of Bluegreen France
Ibrahim El Ali,
Chairman, Expert in
ecology and sustainable development.
Bernie le Van Xieu, former UN policy counsel of Koffi Annan.
François Couplan, Lecturer, ethnobotanist.
Dominique Peter, Agronomist Engineer.
Koly Keita, Treasurer, Expert in development and innovative projects. Former Accenture employee.
Nadera Chaber, General Secretary, LADFI MBA in International Logistics.
Patrick Bremaud, public accountant
Aicha Adhari, Master 2 Degree in Risk Intelligence, DEA Degree in Geopolitics.
Khanssa Lagdami, under doctoral degree in Maritime law.
Victoria Hernandez, Master Degree in Environmental Management.
Irene Bogicevic, Master 2 Degree in Political sciences, Sustainable development teacher specialized in climate refugees.
Aziz Sbeir, Engineer specialized in chemicals contamination.
Chady Hage Ali, PhD in international relations.
Zeina Daher, PhD in Biochemistry, Winner of the l’Oréal-Unesco Prize for Young Female Scientists.
Hassatou Baldé, PhD in International law.
And many others…
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